Monday, January 12, 2009

First Day of Classes!


To start with, I just have to tell you that Im at a local internet cafe right now enjoying the momst delicious and thick cup of hot chocolate I have ever had. Its like he literally melted chocolate bars into a glass.. mmmm :) Speaking of food, last night a group of us headed out for a Sunday meal. We were at the restuarant for about 3 and a half hours, had a 4 course delicious meal, and a few bottles of wine (there was a LOT of us!) all for 15 euro apiece! It was probably the best meal I have ever had and the people are so friendly! Tonight, we made our first family apartment dinner and it was delicious! It seems everything is fresh here and it just tastes better :)

The intensive Italian week started today. I have grammar from 9-12 and "Surviving Italia" from 145-330. I'm picking up on it but the big problem is I keep blurting out french!! Thats the most challenging barrier to get over right now.

Theres so much to tell, I seem to always forget it when I sit down and finally get on the internet. Pictures of the amazing apartment/town will be coming soon, promise!! The cafe is about to close, so I need to go do homework.. ugh. :) Ciao!


  1. I didn't know you knew French! I think you'll really enjoy some of the really good chocolate gelatos you'll find. Some of them are heavenly..

  2. I know! I can't wait to try to gelato!! but the locals say to wait until it gets warm when the "real" shops open up, should be delicious and im counting down the days till I get to eat it daily! :)

  3. As a sidenote completely unrelated to your gelato, the high temperature tomorrow here is, drum roll please, -2 degrees. You win.
