Friday, January 30, 2009

i <3 school

Hey guys!

Yet another school week has passed! It's so crazy how fast time seems to pass here, I can't believe its the weekend again already! The week went smoothly, my quizzes were hopefully good as well! On Thursday, it was a Perugian holiday of their Patron Saint, Constantine, so a lot of people had the day off, but I still had classes. There was a huge open air market in celebration of it so our Italian professor took us down there. It was so neat! They had samples of the famous Perugian pastry, which was pretty neat to learn about. We just walked around the market for about 3 hours inbetween classes and actually spoke with a few locals, it was difficult but super exciting to actually be able to understand some of what they were saying.

Then after classes, I made dinner for the apartment and went salsa dancing again!! It's such a neat experience and some of the dancers were super good, which made me look insanely goofy but oh well!

And! today I had an interview for my internship! I was insanely nervous about making the commitment but after speaking with the teachers today I am so excited I made the decision to do it. I will be working at a local high school. I'll help teach the English class and there are a few students who want one-on-one tutoring because they are taking a certification test on feb 26, so that should be exciting but hard! I hope my english skills are good enough! But what im most excited about is that they might be able to let me teach a biology class! When the teachers found out my major, they were so excited because usually they have students who are English or education majors. But they have to speak with the boss first, so hopefully he approves it!! That would be SO neat!!

Eeek im being yelled at! I have to go, we're doing chinese for dinner tonight, very italian :) miss you all tons!!

1 comment:

  1. You, teaching Biology? Is this wise? They must be really desperate...
