Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hey guys :)

Sorry its been over a week but things are finally starting to turn crazy! Last weekend we went to Roma, left on Friday around 5:30 (unfortunately there ws a train strike from 9-5 :( but we made it to Roma around 8:30. We stayed in this awful, disgusting hostel for 8.50 euro a night, but it was totally nasty. From now on we will be bringing our own pillows and blankets! But three of us went out to a nice long dinner (haha, yes I love the food..) at this quaint little resturant where noone spoke english. It was very relaxing after a long day of traveling/school work. Around 8 am on Saturday we were out the door and ready for a big day. We saw the Colleseum, Palatina, the Forum, the Ruins, the Arc, the Pantheon, the Spainish Stairs, and the Treve Fountain. We stumbled upon this church that looked awful from the outside but was absolutely breathtaking once inside. We spent about 2 hours there in awe. It was amazing. Then three of us went out to a 4 hour dinner (again) while the other 4 just grabbed pizza and went to bed. After a scary cab ride home, we safely arrived at the hostel. The cab driver was incredibly passionate about Obama being President and was extremely upset that my roommate Lauren did not vote democratic, but voted for Mccain. It was the scariest thing, but at teh same time it was really neat to hear a Roman be so passionate about our president. Even during the inaugaration (not sure if I wrote about this already) but we started at a little caffe near our apartment, and they were all completely quiet watching in amazement. This little old lady was crying she was so excited for the world. So we left and went to a pub that was playing it in English so we could understand and there were quite a few locals with American flags and cheering "Yes we can." It was just eye opening to see that we actually do effect the entire world in such a huge way.

But, back to Roma. On Sunday we were out and about around 8 again to go to Vatican City. We attended mass at the main alter!! THe mass was in Latin and they had a full choir, it was fantastic. We then made the hike up to the top of the dome to see the striking views from above and saw the tombs of the Popes below the basilica. We got to see Pope John Paul II tomb, which was goregous. It was quite an emotional day for the three of us as the others split once we said the word mass. But, nonetheless, we all had a great experience seeing and attending mass. After that we had to catch the 3 pm train home and arrived back to Perugia around 7 Sunday night. Overall, it was such an amazing experience and we all want to go back asap, even if it is only to see Vatican City and St. Peters basilica again. I cant believe I was in Roma last weeekend!! The only downfall is that it was raining (and I mean pouring, like monsooning) all day Friday and Saturday, but Sunday was clear, blue skies. :)

As for home, it rained yesterday, as usual, and were into the second full week of classes. I've already written 3 papers (yikes!) and have a quiz tomorrow morning! So they wait no time in throwing you into it all!

My apartment is still the best I've seen around :) There will be pictures soon, I promise! As for now, I have class and another quiz! Can't wait to hear from you all and hope all is well back in the States :) Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Our 302 lab is in the same room as our 204 lab was, but our TA is Mathys Meyer, a Brit, who does not laugh like Lisa.

    Miss you terribly, although there's no room for you in the front row in 302, it goes from Andrew to Chris to Me to Dan to Ed to Joe to Ann. We are rockstars.
